Compare results with detailed statistics

Run an analysis of your business with detailed statistics by comparing information, filtering items by product, group or any way you prefer.

Get a clear and fast view of the evolution and status of your business by analysing the services that work best and create strategies to enhance what your customer values the ​​most.

Woman consulting an app on her mobile
Group of people analyzing statistical data

Identify peak sales periods

Compare your results by time period to adapt what you offer to market demand and boost trending products. You can also have a view of the total amount of finalised, cancelled and unpaid appointments to get an overview of the status of registered services and act on them.

Know the status of your business at all times

  • Generate reports with the most important information for your business. Save custom searches for future reference.
  • Analyse your income and expenses by services and products or units and groups. You can also filter by type of client, origin, economic sector and many more.
  • With our graphs, we offer you a quick and clear view of the trends and results of your marketing strategies.
  • Boost your marketing strategy by tracking the origin and preferences of your customers to tailor your business to them.
  • Make good decisions and get improvements based on the evidence and objective data that reservy provides you.
  • Offer promotions and discounts based on the information received with our reports.

Try it 14 days free with no obligation!

No solicitamos información de pago de ningún tipo y no se renueva automáticamente.

Computer working on web design

We create a website for your business

You don´t have a website? We can help you
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Team working to re-design a website

Want to update or improve your existing website?

If you need help to optimise and improve your website, leave it to us.
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Request more information and try our software!

If you need more information or want to try our reservation software, please contact us.